Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oy ve! Where has the time gone!?

So it's been an incredible fast couple of weeks! It seems like time is flying by and it is absolutely crazy! It is sad that my Hawaiian adventures are going to end soon for a good 5 months. 2 weeks from now I am on a plane home to the mainland! But there's so much to accomplish before then! AH!The plays I've been assisting with have sadly and happily come to an end. I am glad I have more time in my life, but I am going to miss all the marvelous theater people that have been involved in these plays. They always take pictures after the plays of important images from the plays and they always try to get me in at least a couple of pictures, so in the picture, I am holding my notorious guns while the two characters around me stay in there characters for the picture! I love these people so much!

Last night we had a ward date night and were all set up on blind dates. My date was from a different country and didn't seem to want to talk much because it was hard to understand him. For table decorations they put a bunch of toys on the tables for us to play with (toy soldiers, slinkies, Chinese finger traps, etc.). Well to avoid awkwardness, I naturally kept myself entertained! I was trying to get people to play toy soldiers with me but nobody wanted to have an epic battle with me except for Brian (featured above) whose soldiers died moments after the war broke out... then i was slinging slinkies across the room because I figured out how to launch them. I'm glad I at least made the bishop and his family laugh.

You'd never guess Lucille Ball was my all time favorite actress and icon right?! ;)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Long time no write....

A great adventure that occurred...Tuesday... was I shot myself in the leg... indirectly. I had the fake gun from work too close to my leg and the powder shot out the side and attached itself to my leg and just kept burning whilst it sat on my leg! It hurt really bad!! I tried to keep it semi-secret but that never works... the person I really didn't want to find out was my boss but the costume lady stood off to the side whilst I was doing set changes waiting to bandage my leg and Bro. Ferre finally was curious and she said, "I'm waiting to bandage her leg... She shot herself!".... It really wasn't THAT bad.... but everyone made it out to be a very big deal! SO yup, grand adventure!

I do believe I have officially decided to stay in Hawaii for my education! I may get homesick sometimes, but I love the environment down here. Once again I will be turning down opportunities at BYU-Provo and BYU-Idaho (to which I got admitted to again) but I really believe that I am going to have a much better experience down here.... but that decision is still subject to change, so we will see if my choice changes again any time soon.

A little tangent from over here!!!! Sometimes, college is no better than high school (drama wise). So a girl in my hallway has been associating with a guy who is bad news in my book, but my opinion obviously doesn't matter. She keeps complaining about him, but at the same time isn't willing to break his heart or something like that... but anyway, this rumor is now circulating about her pretty much being a straight up slut and somehow all if us believe that somehow he was involved. He swears he didn't start it, but I think maybe the whole thing started with him telling someone that he was feeling as if my friend was leading him on and then it probably just snowballed from there.... but I don't know, but all this crap is ridiculous and I can't wait for immaturity to leave with those that aren't coming back next year. I'm going to be teaching high school and I recognize that I will face this drama with my students, I would like to not have to deal with it with people my own age. Just saying...

So that's my life as of late. We open for our play down here this evening, I was informed last night I might have to start the show on my own tonight because the director has to run to town to get his daughter from the airport and if her flight is late then he might not be back in time! So it'll be an adventure tonight if that actually occurs. I think that's all for now.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Just another manic.... weekend...

So I didn't write anything for yesterday so I am combining it with today!
So yesterday I slept til like noon and it was amazing!!!!! Then me and my friend Allison went shopping and I got some awesomely cute clothes!! Love it!! I worked... as usual... sometimes I think I'm a work-a-holic.... I feel so useless with this play because, with The Music Man, I was constantly doing something.... but this one I just sit backstage and occasionally shoot my gun and the beginning of the first act but other than that I got nothing to do... but we did have fun backstage during the run through playing with the old-style corsets.... I told Anthony to go out on stage in it but everyone is afraid of Brother Ferre.... If it were me I'd do it anyway.... He's not much scarier than Bosen was whenever I did something like that.... good times.... but yeah we had fun backstage! =) He told me not to put it on Facebook... well this ain't Facebook now is it!?

After work, me and my friend Haley finally watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. She's been bugging me for ages! It was a good movie and I must say that my favorite line from that was "I was once stalked....... by a dog." Hahaha!!! great part!!

Today was a good Sunday, rather uneventful, but I think that's how Sundays usually are... We had stake conference. Awesome! General session in the morning and then the "adult session" in the afternoon... kind of redundant to say that because it's a stake composed of single adults... we are all adults and don't have kids... but it's all good! In the middle of the morning session I noticed my phone was ringing because it was glowing...I looked down to see it was my mother. SO my first thought was something had to be wrong because I thought she should still be at church. I let it go but then noticed there was a voicemail so I ever-so-discretely called my voicemail... expecting something wrong, this is actually what it was about...

"Hi, just had to share that I just got home from church and your cat brought me a live mouse. Luckily she dropped it on the deck before she walked in the house with it and it ran away. So I thought that was pretty impressive she caught one! Bye!"

yeah... try I couldn't help myself as I started laughing in the middle of conference. Yes, my mother called to tell me my cat finally caught a live mouse. haha! I love my mom!! So that was pretty much my day!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What a day....

It has been a very long..... long.... long...... day.
So the good part of my day was when Me and my friend Allison climbed a palm tree and got ourselves a coconut... you should've seen the Tongans and Samoans drive by us laughing.... they thought it was pretty funny watching two white girls trying to climb a palm tree.... but hey! we got ourselves a coconut to show for it....

And the not so fun part but at the same time quite the adventure....
After I got off work I was just in a mood of mine and headed off on one of my "I'm going to run away" adventures... I can't really get anywhere on an island so I never really do get to run away... But anyway, I wandered all over tar-nation climbing trees and ducking in dark corners trying to play like the security was following me like a fugitive... oh the irony that comes later..... but anyway, I wandered over to TVA, Huki'lau, the music department and played the piano.... everywhere... So by the time I finally decided to head back it was 12:30 and I reached into my pocket to discover my key was missing.... Lovely!!! So I retraced ALL of my steps (for TWO hours mind you) and couldn't find it... well I couldn't get into the Music Department because everything was locked at this point and so I figured it was probably in there... So I, who had been hiding from security earlier, was now in search of security... hmmmm amazing how when you're trying to hide from them they seem to be everywhere and when you try to find them it's like they're all hiding from you.... I finally found some and asked if I or they could look in the Music rooms for my ID... well they had to call the head honcho to see if he could come down and open it because they didn't have "proper authorization" to carry out the task.... well the head honcho said no because it was against University policy.... So then I asked if there was anyway they could let me into my Hale because the main doors were locked now and I didn't know if I could get ahold of my roommate.... so they called the head honcho again... another no because without my ID they could not verify I lived in the Hale.....well thanks.... So they tell me to try and get my roommate to let me in otherwise they didn't know what I was to do....thank you VERY much.... so I try to get in touch with my roomy..... she's halfway to Wal-Mart in the middle of the Island... alrighty....... So I went and sat outside the doors.... luckily enough someone came along and was going in and let me in as well and luckily my roommate had left the door open..... but OH MY GOSH!!!!! HOW USELESS IS OUR SECURITY?!?! THEY JUST WEAR THE STUPID OUTFITS TO TRY TO MAKE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE CAPABLE OF HELPING US?!?!?!

yeah.... so that was my day.....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Is that a tattoo?!?!?!

Today, I got fairly bored and so decided to draw a very elaborate design on my leg!!! My darling friends requested I leave it on my leg for some time. I wore it to work and the first thing my boss says to me is "What's on your leg?" haha! Then he admired it and said "It's actually very good! Well at least you know that if you're ever out of work you could possibly make a living in the tattooing industry..."............... thank you brother ferre for that sound advice! haha! I'm not entirely sure that the school condones a professor giving such advice.... but it totally made my day!!!!

On another note, if anyone has not seen The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, you really should!! It is an awesome movie but entirely heart-wrenching!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I almost blew my cheek off!!!

So at work again tonight I got to play with the guns and army crawl around as I was shooting them... I'm pretty sure a member of the audience is going to tackle me when we perform it because they'll probably think that I really am trying to kill somebody.... but anyway, amid my rolling and tumbling I realized I was late for a cue and pulled the trigger. I didn't think to move the gun away from my face before doing that... I felt little bits and pieces of mettle hit my cheek and a ringing echo through my ears... Don't worry, I am perfectly okay, but scared the living daylights out of me!!! Yeah I won't tell my boss I did that, he might take the gun away... hmm don't think I have any other random happenstances from today but once again an adventure!!

And here's a random picture not from today but a great picture nonetheless...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In need of an adventure...

So really today (which was technically yesterday) wasn't so eventful, but then I decided to have an adventure to at least give me something to talk about. I regrettably don't have a picture for today, but I still have great stories nonetheless!!! So I went to school, went and helped in the theater a bit and then did homework... Blah...Then I went to a girl's senior recital and after that I had an urge to have an adventure. So Allison and I looked for a roof to climb on but were terribly unsuccessful. I thought it'd be an awfully grand adventure to go explore the auditorium so we snuck in there via a back entrance. (I promise I wasn't doing anything illegal mind you that I know of). We went and explored the pit and all sorts of cool things, I feel I know my work environment all the better know!!! But don't tell my boss... haha! Then we went to Foodland to get some goodies!!! On the way home it started to downpour and we took shelter under the nearest small palm (a palm tree about 3 feet high) and got to sit under it as we waited for what seemed like a hurricane to pass by!!! All around, I still got my daily adventure in!! An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but an adventure a day.... keeps the doctor on standby! =) Welcome to my life!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The day the ants came....

This morning me and my roomie Denise had a very unnerving start to the day. I woke up and saw a black line about an inch thick down our white wall... I looked closer.... HUNDREDS of ants moving up and down our wall!!! I followed them and they seemingly were headed towards Denise's backpack, so I awoke my sleeping roomie and pointed them out to her and she promptly removed her backpack from the room whilst I Clorox wiped the line of ants. Things calmed down, but I looked up once more and the swarm had returned!!!! I followed them once more and they were after my book of construction paper (which is kept by the head of my bed) and there were literally THOUSANDS of ants swarming on this book of paper... we believe they were after the glue that was binding it... but nonetheless SICK!!! We had no ant killer so I whipped out my hairspray and tried to kill them.... needless to say, I went and bought Raid later on... SICKENING am I right?!

At work today, I got to shoot a pistol with blank rounds!!!!! Who else who works in theater gets to say that they actually shot a gun and didn't have to "act" like it shot!? I LOVE my job!!!! Scared the beggeebers out of me every time I shot it because it was so loud but it was AWESOME!!!!!

I got home from work and my hall-mates wanted to do some rearranging of furniture and naturally they recruited me because I am buff like that!!! =) My belt kept getting in the way so I had to be creative and thus a resulting picture of me and my tools...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Taking Engagement photos!!!!!! ...for someone else....

Haha so today I was taking "engagement photos" for my friend!!! we had so much fun just taking some random and cheesy photos on the beach.... the best part was.... the guy, is actually a model!!!! totally awesome right!!!! I love my life!!!

Hike up Stairway to Heaven

The above is the mountain that we conquered; if you look at the big ridge, you cans see the staircase.

The sunlight hitting the mountain across from us.

Myself and some friends ventured out at midnight on Friday to start a hike up the winding staircase known as Stairway to Heaven. We reached the hike start at 1 AM! We slowly and carefully made our way to the top and reached the summit at around 3:30. The clouds moved in on us along with insanely strong wind at it soon became very cold. The boys decided we should move down to one of the lower rest stops to watch the sunrise... I wasn't happy about that but I followed anyway. They took us to the very first rest stop and by this point I was very angry because I walked past amazing photo opportunities and was unsuccessful in capturing them because the stupid boys couldn't wait long enough for some light to come up!!! GRRR!!! And then they wanted to give up entirely on the idea of waiting for the sunrise at all!!!! I stood strong and said, "I AM staying!".... so they left me. So my friend Allison and I waited out the rest of the hour and a half before sunrise and had a marvelous time and got some pictures though not as many as I'd liked... We hiked out, got escorted out by security, got lost in a bamboo forest, hitch-hiked and walked along the highway! It was an adventure!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

LIfe in a college dorm...

Me and my roomies get bored sometimes...

I got a BLOG!!!

So as of right now, 1:15 AM on Friday, March 5th.... I have created a blog! go me!!!
So first thing on it! MY LIFE IS OBVIOUSLY ANYTHING BUT NORMAL!!!! My blog will probably prove that! And I like it that way!!! I love my life and all the experiences and fun I have!!!!